๐Ÿ”ŽFile Identification

Transforms is able to identify and auto-map files when no map is present. This uses recursive subset algorithm to determine the file type based on it's name and columns (it's thousands of iterative calculated passes to do this!)

While impressive and useful it cannot always be accurate. Here's a few ways you can increase the auto detection of files if you regular are creating new maps from known map types.

  • Use the "TransformGroup" and then an underscore as the first part of the file name.

    • Example: FinJournals_file002.csv

  • Use the "DataObjectID" and then an unscore as the first part of the file name.

    • Example: 43_file002.csv

  • Change the input columns to more closely match the mapping files target names.

    • While not always possible, or even required, if this is ever an option from a generated system, definitely speeds up the process of identifying, and mapping a new file.

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