

A "Key" concept of the automation utility is that we don't store sensitive information (like connection strings, SFTP information, etc) inside the package. Instead, we reference the keys they belong to.

Let's say we're transforming data from Pizzeria's SFTP server to a local Reporting folder. We would configure our source to be an SFTP server with the Pizzeria key, and the target to be a folder with the Reporting key.

To actually provide the secure SFTP credentials, and the folder path, you would do so locally alongside your client application.

Encryption / Decryption

The application supports both encryption and decryption of the settings.json file associated with the application.


To encrypt, run the application with the -e flag followed by the password. An example:

TransformClient.exe -e "Expelliarmus"

The application credentials will now be encrypted and not visible under inspection.

The application will create a .bak.json file of the credentials before attempting to encrypt. This is to prevent data loss or accidents. If you're satisfied with the encrypted results, don't forget to delete this file.


To decrypt, send the -d flag. An example:

TransformClient.exe -d "Expelliarmus"

And just like that, if the passwords matched, you'll get a decrypted result.

Last updated