
The GroupProcessor class is a generic class that provides parallel processing functionality for collections of elements. It allows users to easily perform parallel operations on a group of items and return the results as different types of collections, such as ConcurrentBag, ConcurrentDictionary, or a List.

The "Group" Processor is for a selection where more than one item can be matched for the given selector, also known as a GroupBy. If you're looking for a single item in and out without grouping, use the SingleProcessor.


This method processes the collection in parallel and invokes the provided callback for each group of items with the same key.


var groupProcessor = new GroupProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
groupProcessor.ParallelProcess((group, category) => {
    Console.WriteLine($"Processing category: {category}");
    foreach (var item in group)
        Console.WriteLine($"  - {item.Name}");


This method processes the collection in parallel and adds the results to a ConcurrentBag by invoking the provided callback for each group of items with the same key.


var groupProcessor = new GroupProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
ConcurrentBag<string> resultBag = groupProcessor.ParallelProcessToBag((group, category) => {
    int itemCount = group.Count;
    return $"Category: {category}, Item Count: {itemCount}";


This method processes the collection in parallel and adds the results to a ConcurrentDictionary by invoking the provided callback for each group of items with the same key.


var groupProcessor = new GroupProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
ConcurrentDictionary<Category, int> resultDictionary = groupProcessor.ParallelProcessToDictionary((group, category) => {
    int itemCount = group.Count;
    return new KeyValuePair<Category, int>(category, itemCount);


This method processes the keys of the collection in parallel and invokes the provided callback for each key.


var singleProcessor = new SingleProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
singleProcessor.ParallelProcessKeys(key => {
    Console.WriteLine($"Processing key: {key}");


This method processes the keys of the collection in parallel and adds the results to a ConcurrentBag by invoking the provided callback for each key.


var singleProcessor = new SingleProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
ConcurrentBag<string> resultBag = singleProcessor.ParallelProcessKeysToBag(key => {
    return $"Key: {key}";


This method processes the keys of the collection in parallel and adds the results to a ConcurrentDictionary by invoking the provided callback for each key.


var singleProcessor = new SingleProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
ConcurrentDictionary<Category, int> resultDictionary = singleProcessor.ParallelProcessKeysToDictionary(key => {
    return new KeyValuePair<Category, int>(key, 1);


This method processes the keys of the collection in parallel and returns a new SingleProcessor instance containing the results.


var singleProcessor = new SingleProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
SingleProcessor<string, Category> newSingleProcessor = singleProcessor.ParallelToNewSingleProcessor(key => {
    return new KeyValuePair<Category, string>(key, $"New {key}");


This method processes the keys of the collection in parallel and returns a new GroupProcessor instance containing the results, grouped by the provided expression.


var singleProcessor = new SingleProcessor<Item, Category>(items, item => item.Category);
GroupProcessor<string, Category> newGroupProcessor = singleProcessor.ParallelToNewGroupedProcessor(key => {
    return new KeyValuePair<Category, string>(key, $"New {key}");
}, group => group.Category);


Returns all keys in the processor as an enumerable.


var allKeys = processor.AllKeys();
foreach (var key in allKeys)

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