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Transforms is a powerful engine for manipulating data files. "Automation" takes this incredible power and packs it into a local client application that you can install and run from your own servers or containerized instances. This allows you to automatically execute your transformation files without any human intervention.
To build a transformation pipeline, start by navigating to the "Automation" section of the application by clicking on the circular icon in the top right. This is where we configure an automation package.
The automation package consists of everything we need to perform an automatic transformation of a file. This includes:
Where we are locating the source data
What data to filter, remove, or pre-process
What map we're transforming the data with
What reports we're generating
What branding information to stamp into the reports
If we're emailing anything on success or failure
Where the data is moving to (the target)
What to name that target file
And more!
The first step in the automation topology is to build and configure this package. Once we're done, we're given a package file to deploy to our own server.
After you've configured a process for transforming files, you'll export out that configuration as a .ptp
file that you can drop into the local /Packages
folder to schedule and run.
Deployment is a hot-loaded environment, allowing you to add or remove packages at any time. This makes deployment incredibly easy to manage and there's never any issues removing a scheduled package.
If you're interested to see a live demo or license Transforms for your own servers please contact us and we're happy to schedule a call with you.
Licensing the automation tool also licenses the Transform SDK. Check it out!